Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Damn you Hillary for not running on your own merits!

Why do right-wingnuts have such a hard-on for the Clintons? Did Bill run over all their puppies when they were kids? Because, honestly, the insane hatred of these inept people sheds more light on the haters than the Clintons.

Case in point, Ann Althouse deconstructing Clinton's debate performance:

Did Hillary avoid mentioning Bill in last night's debate?
She sure tried! For example, in talking about sending Chelsea to private school, she said: "I was advised... if she were to go to a public school, the press would never leave her alone... So I had to make a very difficult decision." "I"? No "we"?
Excuse me for a second, I need to throw some acid in my eyes after reading this weak excuse for a blog post... ok, much better.

Seriously, is that REALLY her criticism of Clinton? Really? She's trying to talk about the issues from her own perspective, and you're pissed that she's not invoking President Bill? Because let's be honest, imagine if Clinton had talked more about Bill during the debate. Then Althouse would've written a piece about Clinton trying to ride his coattails, or some other pointless s**t.

You know, Hillary could rescue 10 orphaned babies from a house fire, and the right-wingnuts would find something to criticize her about. "There was another baby who died in a house fire just 2 miles away... why didn't Hillary save THAT one? It must be because she hates orphaned babies." And while I'm joking, I'm also not too far off from the truth either.

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