Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Pro-drug smuggler Democrats!!!

Briefly: two border patrolmen take shots at a fleeing drug smuggler -- they weren't truthful about it -- now they're serving over 10 years in prison. There are two issue going on here: 1) patrolmen protecting the country from drug smugglers and 2) lying about what they did. When comparing those two things, which would you say is more important? Most would say #1, but some Democratic/Liberal blogs seem to be rooting for the drug smuggler:

Some members of the public rail that the brave agents are in prison while the drug dealer they shot goes free. As Sutton noted, the reason the suspected dealer is free is because the agents shot at him 15 times, wounded him, then tried to cover up the incident and lied.

Yes, but remember, Republicans have no problem about lying about a crime in an effort to cover it up.
If there were a gameshow called "Let's Totally Miss the Point!", this guy would be the Ken Jennings of that show. There's a HUGE, HUUUGGGE difference between the corrupt Republicans who cheat and lie for their own benefit, and these two guys who were providing a needed service. Should they be punished for lying? Absolutely. Fire them from their jobs, put them on probation for 5 years, and make them pay a hefty fine.

While my common sense says it's wrong for the smuggler to go free, I realize that for our justice system to fully work, there has to be the utmost faith in our police force. They need to know that if they lie, justice won't be served. But there's no need to "take it out" on these guys.

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