Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Meta Political Blogging - Post 1

I really hate political blogs. Left, Right, Democratic, Republican... I don't care. I hate them all. Inevitably, they are run by people with hard-line, non-mainstream ideologies who are SO sure they THEY are the only ones who are right, that they'd rather see the system go down in flames than to admit to being wrong. And once they garner a bit of "fame", they attract followers who will agree with anything their leader says... without question.

And heaven forbid that you try and see both sides of an issue, and reason it out logically! The Democratic blogs will call you a fascist, the Republicans will call you a terrorist sympathizer.

Unfortunately, no one is keeping an eye on these blogs... outside of other blogs/writers on the opposite side of the political spectrum. There has not yet been a rational, passionate watchdog of ALL these blogs and the B.S. they put out. That's where I hope this blog will come in.

I will read these blogs, and report on how insane they all are.

Let the Meta Political Blogs Blog begin!

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