Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kos is a hypocrite

In his brief analysis of a straw poll, Kos has this to say:

Oh, and 516 people don't care that Kucinich has become Fox News strongest defender.
If you're a Democrat, you probably agree with almost 100% of what Kucinich's platform is based on. On top of that, he's always had those positions and hasn't wavered or tried to spin any of his positions. So, Kos seems to be anti-Kucinich for just ONE single issue.

But let's not forget what Kos has said in the past:
Yet another example where single-issue groups myopic vision obscures the broader picture
So why does Kos have such a bad attitude towards Kucinich, when they supposedly agree on most everything? Is it because Kucinich won't kiss Kos's brass ring?

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