Thursday, July 19, 2007

if (Gore eating sea bass == Vitter eating p***y) {killMe = true}

It's not just bloggers and commenters that are mouth-breathing losers, but it's real-life journa-ma-lists with titles like Senior National Correspondent, too:

People Magazine reports that former Vice President Al Gore's youngest daughter, Sarah Gore, 28, married businessman Bill Lee at the Beverly Hills Hotel earlier this month. For the rehearsal dinner, at Beverly Hills' Crustacean restaurant, executive chef Helene An prepared a six-course menu that included Chilean sea bass.

One problem, says Rebecca Keeble, program manager for Humane Society International.

Chilean Sea Bass is "arguably one of the world's most threatened fish species" who says the selection indicates "only one week after Live Earth, Al Gore's green credentials slipped."


On the other hand, could this be seen as the environmentalist version of Sen. David Vitter's public santimony [sic]/private enjoyment of love with a red-lit glow?
First, how the f**k does professional journa-ma-list NOT spellcheck his writing? "santimony"? Seriously, what blogging software DOESN'T have that little spellcheck button that takes about 10 seconds to work?

Anyway, besides just being a mind-numbingly stupid topic, it's also wrong. The dirty hippies at Whole Foods actually carry a type of this sea bass that is perfectly fine:
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an independent non-profit body dedicated to sustainable fishing practices and ocean health, recently certified a fishery operating out of South Georgia Island for the sustainable harvesting of Chilean sea bass. This island is near the South Sandwich Islands located in the extreme southern Atlantic, where harsh prevailing weather conditions and active volcanism make it difficult for fishermen. While poaching remains a serious threat to Chilean sea bass in other areas, this remote fishery has proven itself to be a responsible one dedicated to sustainable practices as documented by the MSC.
Whatever you do, don't read the comments on the ABC blog's story. I read through the first few, and started stabbing my eyes with fork... about 23 times.

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