Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Everything I hate is JUST LIKE Hitler

Is there EVER going to be a point where we STOP comparing things to Hitler or the Nazi's? Case in point, Congressman Keith Ellison comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag fire, and his subsequent apology for the reference.

Seriously, it's the most lazy and stupid analogy that anyone can use. Dubya may be a law-breaking dumbass, but at least he hasn't killed millions of Jews (that we know of). And I don't care how pissed-off they make you, illegal wiretaps are NOWHERE NEAR synonymous with the holocaust. Prisoners in Guantanamo, without legal representation but with 3 meals a day and free healthcare, are NOT in concentration camps. Does that stuff really suck? You bet. But the Republicans are NOT Nazis, just as the Democrats are NOT communists. And if think they are, you must be a follower of Mao Tse-tung.

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