Friday, July 20, 2007

Josh Marshall makes some sense

It's not often that bloggers actually write something that's thoughtful and not just a "knee-jerk" response. At Talking Points Memo, that seems to happen a lot more than at other blogs. Of course, writing two insightful posts would make a blog more thoughtful than every other blog.

Take this TPM post for example:

I agree to the extent that the dangers we face because of the Iraq catastrophe are so great and the long term consequences so vast that we can't afford score settling and jockeying for advantage. This isn't rhetoric. Completely setting aside the lives we've lost and the money we've squandered I don't think this country has really taken stock of the damage we've done to ourselves or the prices we're going to pay for this folly for decades to come. As it is with a family so to with a country, when catastrophe strikes everyone has to pull together to help find a way out, a way back.

But that's not where we are. A faction in this country, and it doesn't merit a loftier label given its quickly diminishing size and its focus on loyalty to a single man, is still focused on perpetuating the catastrophe -- continuing it, expanding it and perhaps most importantly denying its very existence.
Exactly. At this point, if you think Dubya is doing a good job with Iraq... you deserve to be hit by a bus, have the bus driver get out, defecate on your flattened remains, then left to rot in the blazing sun. The Iraq war (which still isn't a "real" war) has gone way beyond labels like Liberal or Conservative or Democrat or Republican. There are exactly two sides: people looking for real solutions to get us out and morons.

I think the President should sign an Executive Order that states "anyone who thinks the war is going in any other direction except 'poorly' is required to spend 12 months fighting in Iraq". It would take approximately 2.6 seconds for the pro-war cowards to change their tune.

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