Friday, July 20, 2007

Fairness Schmairmess - Let's outlaw ALL political talk radio.

Just to show that I'm fair and balanced, in that I hate BOTH the Republicans and Democrats, here's an Ed Morrissey post about the Demo-craps (see what I did there? "craps" instead of "crats"? Ha!) and their freedom hatin':

Once again, Minnesota's Senator Norm Coleman attempted to ensure that government would not control the content of political speech -- and once again the Democrats ensured that they could impose it. Ted Kennedy himself blocked Coleman's amendment with a point of order, and the Democrats torpedoed it in a party-line vote
I'm sorry, but has the entire Senate become retarded? Either that, or the oxygen level in the chamber has decreased to a point where their brain-cells are dying at gradually increasing rate. Because I can't comprehend how people who are supposed to be smart, can act this mind-numbingly stupid.

First, this Fairness Doctrine stuff needs to go away for good, and Coleman's bill would help accomplish that. The fact is - Limbaugh, Hannity, and Savage are popular because A LOT OF PEOPLE choose to listen to them. Simple-minded, illiterate people... but people nonetheless. It's called a Free Market, and there is nothing that institutionally brings these guys success... they just provide the pablum that people want to hear. Yes, it sucks... but so does that turd of a TV show "Two and a Half Men", and millions of people watch that crap every week. And while I wouldn't shed a tear if Hannity were pecked to death by AIDS infested pigeons, I would NEVER advocate prohibiting or limiting anything he has to say.

Secondly, I'm so tired of politicians trying to tack on pointless sh*t to legislation that has NOTHING to do with it. This isn't just about Coleman, though. They ALL do it. It's the reason why Porkbusters needs to exist, because they use the same tactic to get through their little pet projects, and funnel money to their districts. And all of that is fine, if they can get away with it. I'm just waiting for the Congressional Leadership to step-up and try to manage all this crap a little better. Make it more transparent. But I won't hold my breath.

Lastly, take for example, the complete waste of bandwidth that is the Day by Day comic strip. Chris Muir's stupidity shines through on a daily basis, as in today's strip that shows how eeeevil Hillary is totally playing into Iran's little plan. Yes, I realize that the Liberal Lesbian comic strip like Cathy needs to have an opposite counterpart, and thankfully Muir countered her unfunny leftist comic with his unfunny rightist comic. And you see... the Market works!


She'saPistol said...

The Republifarts finally admit they hate free speech. You commie shitheads are all alike.
It's NOT free speech when Rupert Murdoch owns all the media, duh.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think you have the first ever comment on my blog! Welcome!

In response to your well thought out argument, Murdoch does NOT own NBC (or ABC, or CBS, or Time, or Gannett...get the point?)... therefore you can shove that "duh" right up your dirty poop-hole. Also, if you ever leave the basement and make a few million dollars, you can go buy your own TV station and show 24-hour footage of dogs "doin' it"... or whatever you're into. You're completely FREE to do that. The Republifarts do NOT have the ability to stop that.