Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Just like school on Saturday.... no class.

Here's the God's honest truth: it doesn't matter if you're a Republican blogger or a Democratic blogger, a conservative blogger or a liberal blogger -- you're going to post horrible things. They ALL write vile, heartless things about other people. I write vile, heartless things about people. So no one should be surprised when a people like lefty Wonkette jokes about wanting Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts to die:

Chief Justice John Roberts has died in his summer home in Maine. No, not really, but we know you have your fingers crossed.
However, it's possible that this was merely a glib commentary on the idea that Dems/liberals are just like Repubs/conservative when it comes to wishing for the demise of their political foes. If that's the case - Good show, Wonkette! You sure showed them!

What's a bit sicker is the idea that political stupidity can't seem to take a break for a candidate's dead relative:
This weekend, the Minnesota open-borders contingent turned themselves into the equivalent of Fred Phelps when they decided to picket the home of Senator Norm Coleman -- as he and his family prepared to bury his father, Norm Coleman, Sr.
Of course, the Fred Phelps comparison is moronic. Phelps protests the funerals of dead troops because he hates gay people -- Coleman's 82 year old father died after prolonged cancer, and these people are protesting about kid's parents being deported. If you can't see the difference, please do us all a favor and never use another electronic device again.

Having said that, it's still a terribly classless thing to do. Let the guy mourn and bury his dad. The same thing goes for Al Franken, who apparently didn't feel the need to stop his tirade against Coleman for even a moment. No, you don't have to dwell on it, but a simple message on his blog saying he offers condolences would be a sufficient and human thing to do. Especially since Franken has harped on his own father's passing for years now. And it's not like the election is in a month... he could take a few days off, and it wouldn't effect him at all. It's just sad.

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