Monday, July 30, 2007

JUST LIKE Hitler (part 2 in an ongoing series)

Glenn Beck is NOT a baby raper (as far as I know). Baby rapers have sex with infants, Glenn Beck (as far as I know) does not. However, the reason baby rapers rape babies is because they have a sick desire that needs to be fulfilled... just like Glenn Beck's desire to compare people like Al Gore to Hitler. So while the outcomes of what Glenn Beck and baby rapers do is different, the motivations behind them is exactly alike.

Also, (as far as I know) Michael Savage does not like to give oral sex to poodles. But people who do like giving oral sex to poodles engage in a practice that is generally frowned upon by decent citizens... just like Michael Savage's comparing people to the Nazis. So the way I see it, if you approve of Michael Savage's radio show, you're not far off from giving a poodle a blow job. That's the only logical assumption that can be arrived at.

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