Monday, July 23, 2007

Noel Sheppard hates the troops...

... the enemy troops, that is. See? You thought I was going to say he hates American troops, but I didn't.

Anyway, Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters (or creepy-looking, beady-eyed guy, as I like to call him) is so upset at someone suggesting that the U.S. Military is creating serial killers, that he wants everyone to read all about it:

In it, Corey Mitchell, a crime author and editor of In Cold Blog, addressed the "list of serial killers and mass murderers who have spent time in the military" while making the case that "a seemingly normal, everyday, All-American soldier [can] turn into a brain scooping cell phone camera posing beast."
Notice the "can" placed in brackets there? That means that it wasn't actually IN the article... this douchebag just put it in to further mislead his retarded readers. In fact, if you actually read the article, you'll see that Mitchell is LITERALLY talking about a soldier who took a cell phone picture with him pretending to eat the brains of a dead Iraqi. Mitchell's question is, in reality, a quite valid one: What happened to this soldier to make him think this was appropriate and/or funny?

Sure Mitchell is being outrageous with the title, and it's obviously meant to be sensational, but the actual text of the article is at least thought-provoking... unlike Sheppard's post, which I think was actually killing my brain cells while reading it. But Mitchell's argument really becomes a "chicken or the egg" question. Do potential serial killers just gravitate towards the military, or does being in the military unleash something in everyday people that wouldn't normally be unleashed? While I have no statistical evidence, I think the former is probably true. But then that begs the question: What do you do about it? Psych evals are imperfect, and I'd prefer the military not go down a cuddly, teddy bear route... so there really isn't much to do.

The other great (in a pathetic way) thing is that these idiots are on a rampage against Daily Kos about it, eventhough THEY TOOK IT DOWN!!!
The leftist blogosphere went out of their way to cover this one up as quickly as possible.

It was posted at Daily Kos, as Ace relates. But the Kidz are on edge about their credibility, so it was deleted within hours, without a word of explanation. Just doesn’t look right to be dissing the military when Kos is trying so hard to be the voice of the Democratic Party.
It was also posted at a “crime blog” called “In Cold Blog,” and again it was deleted, when they realized it was being noticed.
I don't understand this logic, but then again I'm not 12 years old. Kos disapproves of the article, takes it down, and you STILL place blame on Kos? And yes, it doesn't "look right to be dissing the military"... especially since Kos WAS in the military. So what's the problem? The stupidity about this is really making my brain hurt. And while the original post may be a horrible piece of trash, these idiots made sure to save a copy so EVERYONE can see... and are even referencing it in other posts. Is this some right-wing masochism that I've been unaware of?

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