Monday, July 23, 2007

Anatomy of stupid, stupid sign.

Kos himself has hopped on the fake outrage bandwagon. Here's a quote that he quotes in his post (talk about "meta"):

However, when you, as a candidate, hold a sign up, smile, and get your picture taken with a sign comparing Americans to Osama Bin Laden that sends a different message.
No, the sign did NOT compare "Americans to Osama Bin Laden", it was simply a statement of things that this woman says "no" to... and they just happen rhyme. For example, if I were to say:
I hate broccoli, Hitler, and the Dallas Cowboys
Does that mean I'm comparing Hitler to Wade Phillips? Absolutely not. However, if I said Hitler killed millions of Jews... just like the Dallas Cowboys. Now THAT would be a comparison. Of course, the only thing the Cowboys have killed is my love of American Football.

Even so, the only real thing the Republicans have going for themselves these days is comparing Democrats to terrorists. Most Americans don't actually buy into that bulls**t, so why spoil the Republicans fun?

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