Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh Really? O'Reilly.

Should I feel ashamed for laughing at simple-minded people acting like total a**holes? No? Well then, I don't feel guilty watching Bill O'Reilly and Daily Kossians bitch-slap each other like anorexic supermodels in a catfight over the last bit of crank. It's almost funnier than the last Larry The Cable Guy movie... which was about as funny as cancer.

First, we see that Bill O'Reilly doesn't like the Daily Kos, and calls it a "hate site", and yada yada I'm bored just typing this:

Earlier this week, we confronted JetBlue CEO Dave Barger about his airline sponsoring a conference held by the hate-filled website the Daily Kos. That far-left concern routinely posts vile thoughts such as [White house press secretary] Tony Snow should die from cancer, the pope is a primate, and Israel deserves to be attacked.

The hate this website traffics in rivals the KKK and Nazi websites.
I think most people agree that O'Reilly is a blowhard. Also, he's either a straight-up liar (and obfuscates the truth intentionally) or just really, really stupid and misinformed. As far as I'm concerned that's where the discussion of O'Reilly ends. Of course, the 12-year-olds at the Daily Kos aren't able to let things be...

So Kos Front Pagers are going after Bill O'Reilley's web site (over, and over, and over) in a grand cyber-gesture of "nyah, nyah, nyah":
Shocking, but true. Bill O'Reilly advocates the violent overthrow of our government, believes that a former President of the United States is planning a murder, feels that a sitting Senator is unfit for any office because he is a fake Christian, and that millions of Americans are members of a party of death. It must be true, because after all, it was posted at his website.
Ok buddy, put down the Red Bull and whatever Noam Chomsky book you're pretending to read, and listen closely: O'Reilly NEVER said that Kos himself actually HOLDS the beliefs of the people on the website.

Plus, any sane person can look at the Daily Kos for 5 seconds and find some very unhinged Lefties. If O'Reilly were smart enough to make a point, I think it would be that the Daily Kos site attracts crazy pinkos in greater numbers than most websites. No, not EVERYONE on the site is a nut... but it's not too difficult to find them. Just look at the response to O'Reilly.

And now, this "grasping for 15 more minutes of fame" blogger takes a silly comment and wastes my tax dollars having the Secret Service investigate it:
Here is the comment on O'Reilly's blog that crossed the line:

If Hillary wins, I will be respectful of our leader. If you could read my thoughts, I would be on the SS [Secret Service] watch list.

So, I did what a responsible person should do when they see something like this on a blog. I called the Secret Service to report it. This comment isn't about politics or defaming Senator Clinton. It outright states a threat to her life. It is unacceptable.
I think English must be this guy's second language, because he really doesn't know what "outright states" means. Using a fictional example, if I were to post "I want to kill Tony Soprano" that would be outright stating a threat to his life. However, if I post "I will respectfully follow all of Tony Sopranos orders, but if you could read my mind I'd be wearing cement shoes"... that's NOT an outright threat on his life.

In the Clinton case, how do you know that he's not thinking of sitting outside her window and watching her change clothes? I'm sure THAT would put him on the Secret Service watch list as well. Or maybe he's thinking of buying lots of pinapple-flavored snowcones and wants to throw them at her. I'm sure that TOO would get him on the list. So please, stop wasting my taxes on your petty bitchfest, and go back to Starbucks to discuss the latest Wilco CD.

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