Thursday, July 26, 2007

Scott Thomas: more crap to keep stupid people's minds occupied

Every now and then, a story comes out that I find boring, silly, and a waste of time. However, since 99% of the political bloggers in the world seem to thrive on this pointless s**t, I read about it.

Now, the "right" is all abuzz about a New Republic writer who just became un-anonymous (if that's even a word). Here's the brief version: He wrote some crap that made the "sheep" on the right pissed of -- they criticized him and called him a liar -- he identified himself -- and now they're still calling him a liar. Yes, the people must have NO lives of their own.

You know, I could post quotes from all the crazy people that are either intentionally missing "Scott Thomas's" point or are just too stupid to understand basic English, but I won't. You can read the silliness from Michelle Malkin, or the Weekly Standard, or the National Review Online. If you haven't fallen asleep yet, you can read OPFOR:

Now we have to go about fact-checking his stories, which I suspect will turn out to have been grandly embellished.
How's that for good ol' American values? "I don't have any facts about the matter, but I'm going to say he's guilty anyway". Yep - these are the people I share a country with.

Here's the truth: The one thing the Left can legitimately hold over the Right's head is the anti-war position. It's now the majority opinion of US citizens, and it's growing daily. But instead of reexamining their wrong-headed beliefs and see the Iraq quagmire for what it is, the Malkin's of this world would rather target insignificant people like "Scott Thomas". On some level, I understand that... because it's not easy accepting that you're wrong. It's a lot easier just shifting your focus onto other things that, in the long run, will have no impact on anything.

update: Andrew Sullivan writes MUCH better than I do on the subject. Why is the British dude smarter than 90% of Americans?:
So far, the hysteria says far more about the hysterics than about TNR.

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