Monday, August 6, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Repubs grasp at straws, Kos may be a hypocrite.

And when I say "BREAKING NEWS" that actually means "the same ol' s**t as always".

First off, the Michelle Malkin's of the world have a huge hard-on (or female equivalent) for Daily Kos and all their related activities. They have a burning desire to find ANYTHING that they can criticize. It's really a mark of insanity if you ask me. Take for example, this years YearlyKos. In a desperate grasp, they focus on a video of a serviceman in uniform, trying to play politics [via American Prospect]:

As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit.
Here's the video. And the geniuses at Little Green Footballs had this to say:
I’m not familiar with the exact regulations on this, but for the sake of argument let’s say that it was against the rules for a uniformed soldier to ask a question.

When did it become the duty of a YearlyKos panel moderator to enforce Army regulations?
So the grasping idiot spoke too soon, because apparently is WAS the moderators duty. Since he's still a Captain in the Reserves, he has the obligation to uphold military regulations... even at the Yearly Kos.

So, now, I await Mr. Kos's response to the whole situation. Because, in order to be consistent, he'll need to call the moderator an "idiot" and "un-American":
So they'll prosecute me if I wear my Army uniforms to an anti-war protest? Really?

He has every right enshrined under the Constitution, including those of free speech and peaceful assembly.

And anyone that thinks otherwise, quite frankly, is legitimately and objectively un-American.
How much you wanna bet that Kos either doesn't say ANYTHING about the incident, or tries to parse it in a way that justifies his hypocrisy?

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