Thursday, August 2, 2007

HELLO (Hello, hello)! I'm in a echo CHAMBER (Chamber, chamber)

Hey, look at this.... I got my first ever inbound link! I guess this was the guy that made the John Roberts is dead "joke", to which I replied. Sure, I'm relegated to the "lots of little ones" category, but whatever:

The other day, I made a little joke over at Wonkette about John Roberts being dead that raised some ire among some self-righteous conservative folks. They took a break from pretending not to get erect from hate speech long enough to produce pages and pages of Technorati listings. All the big names are there (Malkin, LGF, Althouse) and lots of little ones, in no particular order, after the jump.
From all of this outrage, you would think I actually took a shot at the guy.
First of all, I wasn't outraged. Yes, there was some fake outrage, but I wear my fake outrage on my sleeve as a badge of honor. The others folks (Malkin,etc) were really, really fake outraged.

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