Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Picking on Liberal blogs: a task too easy

It seems like I've been criticizing Conservative/Republican blogs more often recently. Obviously, it's because of my pinko, Liberal bias. So I thought I'd target a popular Liberal blog, like the Eschaton blog from Atrios (Duncan Black).

After reading about four or five posts in, I realized that I had spontaneously developed cancer on my eyeballs. When I stopped reading, I went into remission. Weird. Then I started giving myself paper cuts and pouring vinegar into them, because it was a lot nicer feeling than reading pointless crap like this.

Oh, and I thought I'd gleam some insight from his commenters. But apparently they're all just simians pounding on a keyboard with their fists. Here's an exchange I read... loosely translated:

Commenter 1: sjhv@!f8hjvj^T
Commenter 2: eep oop ork ahh ahh
Commenter 3: &&&fgk69#### -- $#ry^^5+ sfkfjfn4%esj494
Commenter 4: first!
Commenter 5: `4yhmb35b5tgb8995rgobkw djk5 eyhnuidf56 -=]['`86yik
Commenter 6: *throws feces*
So, yeah, it's kinda difficult to criticize a blog or blogger when the intellectual discourse is about as deep as the puddle in my backyard. Republicans may be total idiots, but at least their delusional writing is put together well.

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