Monday, September 17, 2007

Dipsh*ts on parade.

It must be AWESOME to be so smart. Sometimes I just WISH I were as smart as Insta-douchebag Glennnn Reynolds:


This frustration with journalism extends to a slew of other controversies. Is Sen. David Vitter being truthful in denying involvement with a New Orleans prostitute who was paid by Hustler magazine? Is Sen. Larry Craig dissembling when he denies soliciting sex in a men's room? Did Alberto Gonzales give faulty testimony and make misstatements about various Justice Department controversies or is he a liar?

Hmm. What recent political scandal is he missing? Hsoot, it's on the tip of my tongue . . . .
Of course, it seems sh*t likes to breed more sh*t... so Newsbusters felt the need to chime in.

Let me break this down using small words so these imbeciles can understand: Vitter = public official. Craig = public official. Gonzales = public official. Hsu = NOT a public official.

Notice which one of those things is different? I'll give you a hint... it begins with "H" and ends with "I can't believe you're all such f**king morons". The Hsu scandal might have actually been important, if Clinton had NOT given back the money... and Hsu had NOT been indicted and the Dems NOT roundly criticized him. The reason no one gives a sh*t, except you sh*t-for-brains, is that it's a NON-story... and the only reason you bring it up is because you're pissed-off about YOUR party being so corrupt. Or more to the point, you're pissed that your party keeps getting CAUGHT being corrupt.

The Hsu has dropped. Let it GO.

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