Tuesday, September 18, 2007

General Petraeus? Or General Malaise?

Has anyone ever considered the fact that Dave Petraeus just might be an a**hole? I can't say for sure, because I've never met the man. He could, conversely, be an absolute saint. The thing is - I'm really sick and tired of all the right-wing blowhards being fake outraged anytime there's even a possibility that someone might be saying something negative about the troops. Considering how many dipsh*ts I encounter in everyday life, I figure there must be a similar percentage of dipsh*ts in the military. In fact, I went to school with a total jacka** who's serving in Iraq, and he can go to hell for all I care... oh wait, he's already there... and NOW I'm happy.

So go ahead, and trash the troops. Some of them probably deserve it.

The reason I bring this up is because of that stupid MoveOn ad about General Petraeus. What's even stupider is the people attacking MoveOn for the ad, and then attacking public officials for NOT attacking the ad. And now the stupidest of ALL is FireDogLake attacking someone who attacked the ad that attacked Petreaus. In a letter to Elizabeth Edwards:

So I was really disappointed today to read at Taylor Marsh’s place that you had joined with Diaper Dave Vitter and John “McCarthy” McCain to attack MoveOn. We (and by that I mean the netroots) defend you when the MSM try to make your campaign a pinata over stupid, insignificant stuff. When they try to say your race should end because of your illness, but don’t say squat about Fred Thompson’s lymphoma. We’re your first line of defense, the only messaging machine that progressives have.

So here’s the rule. You never repeat right wing talking points to attack your own, ever. You never enter that echo chamber as a participant. Ever. You never give them a hammer to beat the left with. Just. Don’t. Do. It.
Here's the short version: stop thinking for yourself.

Jesus, it gets tiring reading these idiot blogs. Especially when it's supposedly a "Democratic" blog, the party of "tolerance" and "liberalism" and "open-mindedness". Oh well, I guess THAT got tossed out the window.

Of course, the stupidity couldn't stop THERE. Then Bill O'Reilly had to throw his two pesos in, and destroys any credibility his point may have made by tossing out the N-word..."nazi". I think someone needs to slap O'Reilly upside the head, because he's like a broken record.

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