Monday, July 23, 2007

Obama = Osama (and other things that aren't funny)

So there's a picture of Mitt Romney holding up some moronic woman's sign that says "No to Obama Osama and Chelsea's Moma". And in a recent Q&A, some kid decided to ask Romney about it, and wasn't too happy with the answer. Romney responds:

I don't look at all the signs that come up that I get pictures taken with . . . so I don't have anything particular to say about a sign someone else is holding. . . . Lighten up slightly. Lighten up. . . I'm not responsible for all the signs I'm handed.
And the pissed-off American responds to the response:
I don't understand how someone can compare any American to Osama Bin Laden, but pundits are still willing to prey on the emotions that everyone that lived through 9/11 feel, invoking images of the most hate man in America to describe the political opposition. It's a cheap, divisive, whorish move to make. It represents the worst of the politics of hate. It's a move that I expect presidential candidates of all parties to be above. But Mitt Romney is not.
Give me f**king break! In a perfect world, Romney should've just said "I take a lot of pictures, and THAT one was a bad idea". But of course, the partisan yahoos would NEVER accept that (or anything really) as an answer... and the right-wing yahoos don't give a damn... so what's a brutha' to do? He's telling the Liberal hipped to "lighten-the-f**k-up" (I'm paraphrasing).

Romney didn't make the sign. He didn't say "Obama and Osama are BFFs". He simply took an idiotic picture, with an idiotic woman, holding an idiotic sign. It's just like George Allen last year and the whole Macaca thing. The left getting all angry about it is just brain-dead posturing for posturing's sake. No one is really offended, they're just pretending to be because their bored or their microwavable corn dogs aren't heating up fast enough or something. I really don't know their motivation, but I do know it's all fake outrage. And of course, the Daily Kossians have to toss in some fake outrage, too:
So it went from just "an alliterative play on words" to "What sign?" And the voters who are genuinely upset that the candidate would be associated with that kind of talk are told to "Lighten up."

How about this, Mitt? Why don't you try "I'm sorry" next time?
I've got a simple answer for that: Because it wouldn't change anything, you stupid nit. It's not like you're EVER going to cast a ballot for Romney, and those that might couldn't care less about the sign, so why should he pander to YOU? Answer: He shouldn't.

sidenote: When did Chelsea Clinton get a Museum of Modern Art? And why does that woman dislike it so? Or is there a MOMA in New York's Chelsea district that she disapproves of?

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