Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pointless Posturing in the Senate

You know what's worse than the idiotic "games" the Democrats are playing in the Senate? The idiots commenting on those games.

For example, from head-idiot Michelle Malkin's blog, we get these pearls of wisdom from "TacitEagle":

Dhimmicrats are BAD for America, BAD on the defense of freedom, and on the WRONG side of the fight for justice for all.
First, notice the mis-spelling of Democrats, done for humorous effect. Republicans are original that way. But let me address the issues raised in the comment: NO they're not, NO they're not, and NO they're not. Actually, it's small-minded morons that are BAD for America. Speaking of... her "PBoilermaker":
For those that think AQ aren’t watching the treasonous MSM and the Dems without getting motivated to just keep it going a bit longer, you are dangerously naive.
Yes, because as we are all aware, they hate us because of our "freedoms". And by the Democrats and main-stream media actually practicing those freedoms, they're only serving to embolden the enemy. I'm guessing that PBoilermaker's solution for all this is to take away ALL of our freedoms, so that Al Qaeda won't hate us anymore. It makes sense when you think about it.

And finally, the idiot to end all idiots "Dersu":
Do these idiots really believe that the way to protect and defend the Constitution is to protect our troops from danger?

I say just the opposite is true, we must send our treasured loved ones to the front
of the fray. How else will our future be assured?
If you were listening to this, I'd be speechless. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like Dersu is saying that the ONLY way to defend the Constitution, is to have our troops get killed. From my reading of the comment, it doesn't matter WHY they're fighting, just as long as they're DYING while doing it.

The problem with these sheep commenting on Malkin's blog, is that they can't seem to comprehend that it's GOING BADLY in Iraq. I personally think that going into Iraq and getting rid of Saddam was a fine idea, but almost immediately Bush started f**king it up... and he hasn't stopped f**king it up. Maybe a full withdrawal isn't the best idea, but what other alternatives are there? Continue to let Bush keep f**king it up? Let it just coast until January 2009, so the next President can deal with it? That seems pretty heartless to me.

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