Monday, July 23, 2007

Lieberman? More like Lieber-woman!

I'm not sure what the subject means, I just thought it was amusing...leave me alone.

In a non-too-surprising move, Democrats are pissed because Joe Lieberman has a mind of his own. From Atrios [and CQPolitics]:

Good Job, Democrats
We tried to warn you.

Lately, though, Lieberman has taken his alliance with GOP leaders up a notch. During the abortive debate on the defense authorization bill, he attended daily tactical sessions to help them plan their strategy for combatting anti-war amendments and their rhetorical points for use against the Democrats. And in a fitting symbolic twist, some of those meetings convened just down the hall from the office of Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who essentially owes his 51-seat majority to Lieberman’s continued caucusing with the Democrats.
Interestingly enough, Harry Reid's spokesperson makes the exact point that Atrios and other Democrats can't seem to get through their latte-riddled skulls:
Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley, said the majority leader wasn’t aware that Lieberman had been at GOP strategy sessions, but he noted that “it’s up to Sen. Lieberman to decide what he thinks is best based on what he’s hearing from his constituents at home.”
EXACT-FREAKIN'-LY.... it's up to Senator Lieberman! We may only have two main political parties in the country, but that doesn't mean we only have two views on every issue. Yes, Lieberman is an idiot for his beliefs on the Iraq war... but dammit, being an American means you're free to be an idiot if you choose.

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