Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here's a dose of Daily Orwell... uh, I mean Daily Kos

Apparently, if you don't drink the Kos Kool-aid 100% of the time, you get "voted off the island". Case in point, the brave Cindy Sheehan, who has chosen to do everything in her power to make the Congress do it's job, has been banned from Daily Kos:

I can't post here anymore because my potential run for Congress is not on the Democratic ticket.
I once thought that Kos's idea of Crashing the Gates was a good one. But now I realize that once the current gates are "crashed", they're just going to erect brand new ones.

Here's a woman who has championed a cause while enduring MUCH scorn and ridicule, and now the pimply-faced automatons in the comments section have the gall to criticize her. Apparently, the thought-police chief is BarbinMD. I can guarantee that Sheehan does more to further justice and freedom in America before noon everyday, than this yahoo has done in a lifetime.

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