Monday, July 2, 2007


Nothing infuriates me more than when pundits and politicos take two different important issues, and treat them the same. Now, it's happening with No Child Left Behind and the Immigration Bill:

Their solution could come in the form of the A-PLUS Act, a bill sponsored by some of the same conservatives buoyed by defeat of the immigration reform bill.
NCLB is a bad bill... period. The Immigration Bill, while not perfect, was a step in the right direction. To conflate the two, and try to hammer the President on one because he lost in the other is absolutely horrible. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

The thing that gets me is how two-faced these Republicans are. It wasn't that long ago that ANY criticism of the President, on anything, was considered on par with treason. Now, with Bush as a lame-duck, and the American people looking for a change, they're pouncing on him like hunger vultures on roadkill. There is no honor among them. These two issues should have NO bearing on each other, and they should be looked at and debated with a serious eye for resolution. Instead, we're getting the same old "black vs white" politics, and there's no room for true compromise.

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