Friday, July 27, 2007

The Republicans don't like you....Tube.

The Democratic YouTube/CNN debate was somewhat novel, and I said before it didn't totally suck. And the one thing this format provides (whether it's real or just perceived) is a one-on-one communication with actual, everyday people. So while the hillbillies and snowmen were silly, for the audience, it helps shed light on if the potential leader of the free world is able to relate with "down home" folk and have a sense of humor. Remember, there's really only one reason Dubya got as many votes as he did in 2000 -- he was the "guy you could have a beer with".

Now, many of the GOP candidates are possibly NOT going to attend the Republican YouTube/CNN deabates. From Talking Points Memo:

It's looking like there might not be a GOP CNN/Youtube debate. Rudy appears to be opting out and Mitt Romney doesn't seem far behind. And GOP party functionary Hugh Hewitt is already laying down a line of covering fire for the retreat, arguing that CNN and Youtube are biased against Republicans.
In a strange twist of fate, even conservative bloggers realize what a horrible idea skipping this debate would be. From the oh-so-smart Andrew Sullivan:
For my part, the current old white men running for the GOP already seem from some other planet. Ducking YouTube after the Dems did so well will look like a party uncomfortable with the culture and uncomfortable with democracy. But then, we kind of knew that already, I guess, didn't we?
And even a more pragmatic criticism from Hot Air:
“The GOP can’t face the people, the GOP can’t handle unorthodox questions, the GOP has no sense no fun” — it’s a PR disaster in the making. Although I’m not surprised it’s Rudy who’s leading the way. Formats that don’t lend themselves to pat answers aren’t his strong suit.
In this case, if the frontrunner walks, the rest have every incentive to attend and then bludgeon Rudy with the same no-guts-no-fun talking points the Democrats have on ice.
There's some comparison between the Democrats not participating in the Fox News debates... but the comparison is decidedly weak. Fox News is a conservative outlet -- sure they may be fair and balanced, but they're "fair" coming from a conservative standpoint already. CNN is accused of being "liberal", but only from right-wing people. There are quite a few cases of lefties accusing CNN of being too willing to coddle conservative viewpoints... so obviously the political compass at CNN is not entrenched in one ideology. When was the last time a righty accused Fox News of being too "liberal"? Or when has there been ANY time that ANYONE accused Fox News of being "liberal"? I rest my case.

My prediction: Any GOP candidate that doesn't attend this debate will NOT be the GOP candidate for President.

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