Thursday, July 26, 2007

O'Reilly and the Daily Kos really need to get a room.

Actually, this post is about John Aravosis at AmericaBlog, so maybe they should ALL get a room and have their gay threeway behind closed-doors.

In the latest chapter of Dumb vs. Dumber, Aravosis takes an isolated statement from O'Reilly's forum and uses it out of context:

"Maybe it's time to burn down the capitol building like Hitler did with the Reichstag building."

And how do jetBlue and Home Depot, big supporters of O'Reilly, feel about launching a terrorist attack against the US Capitol that would assassinate all 535 members of the US Congress?
The full quote is in response to that whole Keith Ellison thing where he compared Bush to Hitler. And the statement was meant to show how absurd the notion of comparing anyone to Hitler is. It's quite possible Aravosis realizes this, and is just playing a stupid, stupid game... but I'm not yet ready to give him too much credit.

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